100% Open Source Headless CMS

npm install headcodecms into your Next.js 13 project, configure Supabase, and you are DONE!


  • Next.js 13 RSC / App Router
  • Remix / Shopify Hydrogen
  • Astro
  • Svelte
  • Vue

Cloud Services


  • Supabase
  • Vercel Postgres
  • Postgres
  • MySQL


  • Supabase
  • Vercel BLOB
  • uploadthing
  • S3


  • Supabase
  • Auth.js
  • clerk
already implemented


Headless or Embedded

Embed it into your existing Next.js 13 app via Route Groups, run it as a separate Next.js 13 app, or use the REST API (e.g., in your mobile app)



Reusable themes are an important factor in why WordPress and Shopify became so successful. Headcode CMS brings this concept to the latest front-end technologies.


Visual Editing

You can edit the content in Headcode admin or use the in-place editor to update your text and images on the page. Headcode CMS nicely integrates with Vercels deployment infrastructure.



You want to update your website once or twice a week. Headcode CMS has built-in support for versioning, an integration in Vercel's preview workflow, including Visual Editing, and support for GitHub and Git branches.


Multi-language Support

Want to go international? Headcode CMS has built-in support for multiple languages.


Custom field types

You can use the built-in field types like text, image, rich-text (Tiptap), select, etc. - or create custom field types for your requirements.

Try Today

Headcode CMS is not ready for production yet. However, I created a developer preview and bundled Headcode CMS together with a theme and website. You can try it today by cloning it from the following public GitHub repository: headcodecms/proto01.

Please note that this developer preview is not built to serve production websites.

What is missing:

  • npm package: I'm currently creating the npm package, refactoring the services layer, adding tests, and full TypeScript support.
  • Docs
  • Server Actions: I use Next.js Server Actions, which are still experimental. Right now, enabling Server Actions disables caching on data fetching.
  • Next.js 14, Tailwind Catalyst, Shadcn/UI, Turbo Repo: Some exciting updates will be released this fall. I will probably wait for Next.js 14 to be released before I launch Headcode CMS.

If you want to be notified about the progress or when the public version is available, subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on X (Twitter) @markustripp or @headcodecms.

Launch Notification?

I will be launching Headcode CMS in the next few weeks. Do you want to be and be one of the first to try it out? Then leave your your email address below.

Become a GitHub Sponsor

I developed Headcode CMS primarily as a side project and spent many hours on it over the last few months. This summer, I took a break from consulting to focus on Headcode CMS.

I still have a lot of work to do before releasing a public beta version. So every sponsorship helps me spend more time on Headcode CMS. Thanks in advance to all sponsors. You help me live my dream.

-> Become a sponsor on GitHub

My Story

Why did I create Headcode CMS?

I'm a freelance web developer and Shopify consultant. Together with Inge, we traveled around Asia to try out Workation. We discussed why starting an e-commerce business with Shopify using an awesome design from Shopify's theme store is so easy - and why it takes so much more effort to build a simple Next.js based website connected to a content management system, on the other hand.

We both agreed that the secret is Shopify's theme store, the intuitive theme editor, and how quick and easy it is to get started. It is similar to the story of why WordPress got so popular.

As I love to work with Next.js and Supabase, it was clear to me to create a first prototype using those technologies. Supabase offers everything required for a content management system (database, storage, Auth). In May 2023, Vercel released Vercel Postgres, Blob, and visual content editing. I thought - wow - everything goes in the direction of my vision. I finished the prototype and was blown away by how great Headcode CMS works and integrates with Vercel's infrastructure.

Because I was so excited, I wanted to show my current work to the public to gather feedback. Now, my dream is live!

Where is AI?

I have many good ideas for integrating AI, especially in the editor. But I want to build a stable foundation first, and then add AI where there is an obvious added value. Also, UI/UX plays a crucial role in adding AI. But stay tuned, I will come up with some cool AI stuff.

Built with in Salzburg, Austria